Sunday, 20 January 2013

Vagina Care during Pregnancy

Wear cotton underwear. Cotton is very breathable, if you will, and allows the vagina to get air circulating around it. This helps to keep things from building up “down there”, and also helps maintain good skin around the vagina area.

Take out your old tampons. Leaving a tampon in your vagina too long, more than six hours, is a very bad idea. It can cause a toxic syndrome (TSS), as well as some very disgusting build up. Use smaller size and change sooner. Changing out pads often is also a good idea– leaving a pad on too long can cause serious irritation to the skin on and around the vagina like diaper rash! So keep the diaper rash at bay, and change your pad throughout the day.

Avoid sprays and scented soaps. Actually, try and avoid soaps “down there” as much as possible. They can get caught in the crevices of the vagina and fester. And you have an infection of the vagina in no time at all. Sprays and scented soaps, though, are more damaging, as they are designed to leave a bit behind– the scent, and you don’t want anything left on the skin of your vagina at all. Soaps and bubble baths can also worsen vaginal dryness.

Rinse Well. While showering or taking a bath, rinse your vagina with lots of water, especially if you use soap. Rinsing will help remove any “build-up, discharge, etc” It will also give you that fresh scent, but if you have extra discharge or build-up, like the above step says see your gynecologist.

Visit your gynecologist regularly. Only your doctor can accurately diagnose any problems you may be having. If you do suspect anything at all, call and make an appointment as soon as you can.

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