Friday, 25 January 2013

How to prevent infants diaper rash

If your baby does not have a problem with diaper rash, then you don't need to be too strict with these preventative measures. However, if you are constantly battling rash, here are some helpful hints to minimize it:
  1. Change diapers frequently - at least every two hours in newborns. You can space this out as baby starts to urinate less often.
  2. Change poopy diapers right away - this is a lot of trouble at first since newborns often have small, frequent stools. This will slow down as baby grows.
  3. Try different brands - if using disposables, another brand may fit a little better and cause less friction.
  4. Rinse cloth diapers - add a half-cup of vinegar to the rinse cycle. This helps remove alkaline irritants. Your diaper service can also do this.
  5. Wipe well - be sure to wipe all the stool and urine away.
  6. Use unscented wipes or just plain water - these are less irritating. You can even rinse out the wipes with water, although this takes more time.
  7. Diaper rash cream - some lucky babies don't need any. More sensitive bottoms need cream with each new diaper. There are two basic types of barrier creams:
    • Petroleum ointment (Original A & D ointment) - this is an excellent preventative every-day ointment. It's less sticky and less messy.
    • White zinc oxide - this is thicker and may be better for babies who are more prone to rash.

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