Friday, 25 January 2013

How to treat infants diaper rash

No matter how diligent you are with the above measures, your baby will still have a rash from time to time. Here are some tips to treating those rough spots:
  1. Wash off bottom with water - don't wipe the sore areas. Instead, use a bulb syringe to gently wash baby's diaper area.
  2. Gently dab or pat away any remaining stool. Blot baby's bottom dry.
  3. Let it air out - leave the diaper off for a while, with no diaper cream on. Lay baby on a towel (with a waterproof pad underneath to catch accidents) with her bottom up. Do this as often as you can. This will help dry out the rash, which is important for the healing process.
  4. Diaper cream - when you do put the diaper back on, use generous amounts of cream. Here are some suggestions:
     Zinc oxide - for the moderate rash.
    • Acid mantle - this is a brand name sold in stores. It is outstanding for moderate diaper rashes. Can be used with zinc oxide over it.
    • Butt paste or Triple paste - there are a variety of creams that a pharmacist can mix up for you that contain a variety of ingredients. These are good for severe rashes. One brand that is already mixed is called Triple Paste. Ask your pharmacist for some. It is non-prescription.
    • Clotrimazole anti-fungal cream - for stubborn rashes, yeast may be involved (see below). You can add this over-the-counter cream to help.
    • Hydrocortisone 1% cream - you can put this over-the-counter cream on twice a day beneath any of the other creams to help with severe rashes. It will help with the inflammation. Don't use this for more than several days at a time as long-term use can damage the sensitive skin in the diaper area.
    • Soothe and heal by Lansinoh. This pure lanolin ointment is excellent for soothing sore bottoms.
    • Mix your own - if you can't get a prescription, try mixing these together in the palm of your hand, then apply to baby's bottom:
      • Zinc oxide
      • White petroleum ointment
      • Acid mantle
      • Aluminum acetate (Burrow's solution)
      • If you cant find Acid Mantle, then use Lansinoh (a lanolin ointment). It is available in the diaper cream section of drug stores.

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